Brandon West Memorial Scholarship
Brandon David West was a student athlete at Bellevue High School who was known for his commitment to friendship, life, citizenship and sports. This scholarship is awarded to one male and one female current senior at Bellevue High School.
To qualify for this award, students need to demonstrate excellence in their academic achievements and extracurricular accomplishments and service to the community during the high school years and intend to enroll in post-secondary institution in the following year.
The $5,000 scholarship is renewable for up to 1 year and is in memory of Brandon West.
Debra Muren Scholarship
Debra Jean MUREN was the gentle spirited Bellevue wife, mother, and nurse whose career was cut short by Early-onset Alzheimer's disease. A hands-on nurse, she was a compassionate caregiver who never met anyone she did not love. She had a career of medical service to others in hospitals, family practice clinics, and home health nursing that spanned more than 25 years. Her final position as an ICU nurse was cut short in 1998 due to the cognitive decline and short term memory loss associated with Alzheimer's disease. Her life's roll reversed as she became a grateful care receiver, the result of cognitive decline that made her more and more dependent on those caring for her. She passed away April 20, 2010 at 59 years old. The Muren family created the Debra Jean Muren Nursing Scholarship in 2006, recognizing Bellevue students who will make a difference in their community through their pursuit of a Nursing career. It is endowed through the Bellevue Schools Foundation and administered by the Bellevue School District.
Howard Johnson Scholarship
Howard Johnson, the first Principal of Interlake High School in 1966, established the Howard Johnson Principal’s Scholarship to recognize an Interlake High School graduating senior who has demonstrated excellence in the study of Mathematics, Science and/or Career and Technical Education (CTE) and intends to enroll in a post-secondary institution next year with a focus in these same subjects.
Carla Vendeland Community Service Award
Newport High School Parent, Carla Vendeland worked endlessly to fight world hunger, staying up late researching and writing letters in tireless campaigns against world hunger and for education. As part of her effort to encourage students to volunteer, she created the PTSA Knight Valor Program in 1989, recognizing Newport Students who make a difference in their community through their volunteer efforts.
Mrs. Vendeland passed away in 1994 of cancer at the age of 52, In her memory and in honor of her dedication to our community, the Carla B. Vendeland Community Service Award was established in 1996. To qualify for the award, students need to be a graduating senior and need to have earned the PTSA Knight Valor Award.
Emily Chinn Kindness Awards
The Emily Chinn Kindness Awards at Newport High have been given since May 2001. This award is funded by Dr. Terrance Chinn in memory of his wife Emily. The winners are picked by the Newport High Counseling Center. This award acknowledges kindness and inner strength of character for students at Newport High School. Each student chosen receives a check for $100.
Nan Campbell Scholarship
The Nan Campbell Scholarship, administered by the Bellevue Schools Foundation, awards $1000 each year to four Sammamish High School students who embody the leadership spirit of Nan Campbell, Bellevue’s first female mayor, whose thoughtfulness and concern for others led to a long and broad contribution to human services and community activism. This award is made possible by an endowment from Suzy Mygatt Wakefield.