Take Action
Payroll Deduction
Contribute through your employer’s giving campaign. Be sure to designate Bellevue Schools Foundation.
Matching Gifts
Double or triple the value of your gift. Check to see if your employer has a matching gift program.
Our tax ID is 91-1080997
Stock Transfer
To make a gift of stock, please contact Michael, Michael@bsfdn.org.
Corporate Sponsorship
Support education while promoting your business. Contact Michael, Michael@bsfdn.org to learn more.
Honor Roll Realtors
Honor Roll Realtors & Lenders invest in the Bellevue Community by investing in our students. Give here.
Planned Giving
Learn how you can leave a legacy of education.
Contact Michael at Michael@bsfdn.org
Endowments and Scholarships
Ensure continued funding for critical programs. Create or contribute to an Endowment Fund. To learn more about scholarship and endowment opportunities, contact Michael Smith, Michael@bsfdn.org.