Our History
In 1978, when the Washington State legislature passed a Levy Lid restricting public funding for education, Bellevue community leaders jumped into action. They knew then what is even more true today—that the world into which their children would graduate is complex, requiring top-notch social, emotional, creative, and academic education.
These visionaries believed that public dollars would fall short of meeting Bellevue children’s educational needs. They were determined to bridge the gap. As a result, in 1979, the Bellevue Schools Foundation (BSF) was created as a tax-exempt, 501(c)(3), non-profit organization to partner with the Bellevue School District (BSD).
BSF’s mission is to promote and fund the best possible learning opportunities for ALL students in the BSD. The Board very much wanted the Foundation to become a Bellevue institution. They knew they needed visibility, money, and meaningful projects that would resonate with the community.
A relatively early discussion with highly-regarded consultant Ed Schumacher helped the Board understand that the Foundation had to stay focused both on promoting high quality programming and on raising the funds to support that programming. The Board made a significant decision then to maintain equal emphasis on both.
Longtime Board Member and Past President David Schooler explains this key decision:
“Programs are our heart, and they justify fundraising. It is hard to do both, but this foundation must, and does, do both well.”
For over 40 years, the Bellevue Schools Foundation has driven resources to help our students receive the best possible educational outcomes.

Storytelling is the most powerful way to put ideas into the world.
-Robert McKee