Partnership Programs
This year, we are funding nearly $900K of programming in the Bellevue School District. Click on the button to see our program portfolio for 2024-2025. And check out the profiles below.
Computer Science
Computer science and technology are now part of nearly every industry sector from aerospace to wholesale trade. K-12 education in our county continues to focus on subjects developed for the 20th century, leaving kids unprepared to tackle computer science in college or in a career. This initiative aims to develop a pathway for computer science beginning in preschool, harnessing the power of computational thinking. Developing this pathway is important not only to better prepare children for their futures, but also because of the need to address long-standing opportunity gaps related to race and gender.
Mental Health
We fund a team of highly-qualified staff members within Bellevue School District who conduct large-scale mental health screenings and provide one-on-one counseling for students who identify as having recent thoughts of self-harm, or report they would like to speak to a counselor about their own mental health, or that of a friend. This team also ensures the Signs of Suicide curriculum is implemented, and provides evidence-based health services, including group and individual counseling, solution-focused counseling.
Early Learning
One of the keys to equity is removing barriers and increasing access to early childhood education resources that are crucial to mitigating early learning and development gaps. Finding and accessing resources can be problematic and affordability can be an issue. There are currently 12 inclusive, early learning sites within the Bellevue School District. BSF funds the implementation of evidence-based strategies for our community’s youngest students to receive developmentally-appropriate experiences that align with Kindergarten-readiness indicators. Special thanks to the Aven Foundation for their investment in this initiative.
National Board Certification
More than a decade of research from across the country confirms: Students taught by Board-certified teachers learn more than students taught by other teachers. More than 40% of Bellevue School District’s teaching staff is certified, and BSF remains committed to this investment, which it began funding almost 20 years ago in 2003.
Arts, Enrichment & Innovation (AE&I)
Each year the Foundation invests thousands of dollars in classroom grants to teachers. Arts, Enrichment, and Innovation Grants (AE&I) fund projects in the Bellevue School District that encourage higher-level thinking skills, enrich students through art, music, culture, science, or other activities, and provide opportunities for innovation in classrooms.
Inspiration & Incubation (i2)
The purpose of this grant program is to fund inspiring projects that involve multiple schools, pilot new curriculum or instruction, engage students in critical issues, involve youth in service of other students and schools, or build school communities and partnerships. The application process is available to any and all educators within Bellevue School District on an annual basis.
Community Engagement
BSF pivots on an annual basis to serve unexpected needs that surface in the community. From supporting our educators’ well-being, to responding to a crisis like the loss of a student—the Foundation steps up and in to ensure students and teachers have the resources they need to thrive. BSF also sponsors a monthly Education Connection lecture series from September to May. These presentations create an opportunity for dialogue between our educators, parents, and community.
BOOM (Breaking Out of the Margins)
BOOM, Breaking Out Of the Margins, is a BIPOC focused opportunity for secondary students to engage in meaningful, facilitated conversations that center issues that are of most importance to them. BOOM events are intended to inspire, build community and provide opportunity to connect with leaders of color so that each and every BSD student can reach their full potential.
[Grant Feature]
Music to our ears: Jazz Band Clinicians Grant
Watch our video about the Jazz Band Professional Clinicians grant provided for the 2021-2022 school year. This grant provided funding to bring in several jazz professionals to work with students enrolled in jazz band at Sammamish High School. They also invited Odle Middle School and Tillicum Middle School jazz bands to join the experience.