Early Learning
Access to High-Quality Preschool
Bellevue School District’s Early Learning Program provides opportunities for children to prepare for kindergarten by practicing the skills that will help them succeed in school. The program also provides important wrap-around services, such as a “dental home” and family support services. The most important educational environment is the one that surrounds children in their earliest years. Not surprisingly, young children who experience homelessness also suffer negative impacts to their learning and development.
29 part-day preschoolers who qualify for state Early Childhood Education Assistance Program (ECEAP) were provided financial assistance to attend full school day or extended work day slots in 2022-2023. The creative curriculum engaged the young learners in fun activities that develop important cognitive, social-emotional, physical, literacy, language, and mathematics skills. Additionally, 100% of families surveyed reported access to preschool has improved family self-sufficiency. 95% of families surveyed reported they have received additiional support and/or accessed community/school resources as a result of their child’s enrollment in preschool.
Learn about our Early Learning program in this short video.
Hear from BSD Early Learning Team
Early Learning Staff describe how they help preschoolers SPARKLE & SHINE everyday.
In 2016, when the Bellevue School District lost Head Start funding, Bellevue’s ability to serve low-income and homeless preschool-age children was severely impacted. The Foundation stepped in.
The District’s Early Learning Program secured additional state-funded, half-day preschool slots to help replace the Head Start loss. While homeless children have the highest priority for these state-funded preschool slots, typically they miss out because half-day slots do not adequately meet their needs, and State-funded slots are typically not available after the end of September. Unfortunately, children experience the trauma of homelessness at any time of the year.
Thanks to community support and donations to the Foundation, every child who registered in the fall of 2016 and who would have qualified for Head Start attended half-day preschool. They experienced high-quality early learning, nutrition, health screening, and family support services. They also made incredible progress: year-end assessments show growth in six key areas (social/emotional, cognitive, language, literacy, math, and physical) that closed achievement gaps. This growth during the time of a child’s critical brain development will make a positive and lasting impact on their lives. Research shows life benefits include improved graduation rates, incomes, and health.
Since 2016, early learning has been a major focus of the Foundation. Our donors continue to ensure that homeless and low-income children receive the care they deserve.
Agency cuts entire Bellevue Head Start program, affecting 151 low-income students
Slash to Bellevue’s Head Start program punishes poor families | Editorial
Head Start program needed for Bellevue’s neediest students
Bellevue school board votes to alleviate Head Start funding loss