Our Campaigns

Bellevue Schools Foundation holds several days of giving throughout the year to inspire our donors to support Bellevue’s schools.

Our 2020-2021 calendar is as follows:

Fall Campaign: September 20-December 31

 We kick-off our year of giving with a Fall Campaign, consisting of mailings to all families, positioning of signs around schools, and culminating in our largest day of giving, Clickathon, which was held on October 27th and 28th. Typically, volunteers wave signs and encourage families to honk and donate. The goal for this years’ Fall Campaign is $350,000. At Clickathon, we raised a record-breaking $157,000. We still need your help! Upcoming Fall Campaign events include:

On Black Friday, November 27th and Cyber Monday, November 30th, we ask families to do their holiday shopping using our Amazon Smile link. Amazon donates a portion of each sale to the Foundation.

Our Holiday Campaign to support homeless and low-income preschoolers runs from 12/1-12/31. It includes Giving Tuesday, a national day of Giving, which is on December 1, 2020. Donations will be matched on this day. We ask families to contribute to our neediest families to honor the spirit of the season. You can find out more about our work with homeless and low-income preschoolers here. {link}

End-of-Year Campaign: May 4-August 31 

Give Big on May 4th and 5th is a statewide day of giving that kicks off our End-of-Year campaign. Donations are matched. This campaign helps us to meet our final fundraising goals for the school year. Stay tuned for more details on our 2021 campaign.

transparent SFS logo LOGO.png

Our annual Spring for Schools luncheon is our biggest fundraiser of the year. Donors contribute over $900,000 to support the Bellevue School District. With a history spanning over 30 years, Bellevue Schools Foundation’s annual benefit luncheon raises the critical funds needed to help students in Bellevue’s public schools succeed in school and in life. The luncheon is one of the Eastside’ s largest philanthropic events, typically hosting over 1,000 professionals, parents, and community leaders who are committed to ensuring that all students have access to opportunities that will help them thrive in an increasingly competitive global marketplace.


 Last year, Spring for Schools was transformed into an online campaign, to raise funds for schools and students impacted by COVID. Undaunted by these challenges, our community raised $950,000 to support students, more than ever before in the Foundation’s history.

This year’s event will remain virtual. While the final format is being determined, we hope that you will join us for this crucial event. At a minimum, the campaign will include:


Regular emails to all parents on our donor lists

Social media promoting donations, including video presentations of the Spring for Schools speakers

Communication to our usual outlets: PTSA, Principals, WeChat, and KakaoTalk

Continued activity to obtain corporate and PTSA sponsorship, with the promotion of those sponsors via electronic platforms

Continued activity to seek donations from Major Donors and sponsors


Interested in supporting us? We need YOUR help.


Corporate Sponsorship & Honor Roll Realtors

For as long as the COVID-19 crisis goes on, we will continue to work with the Bellevue School District to help ALL our students, including our most vulnerable children, get through it. Let’s work together to ensure the continued vitality of our community

Corporate Sponsorship

With its strong economic base, and nationally-ranked schools, Bellevue is one of the most desirable communities in the US in which to live and work. From the goods and services you provide, to the employees whose lives you support, to the organizations who receive your charitable giving, our communities are dependent on your success. The families that frequent your business now need your support more than ever and it’s your opportunity to help support them.

Your sponsorship will make a difference for every student at every Bellevue public school during the COVID-19 crisis.

We are 100% committed to working with you to ensure you receive the value your sponsorship deserves. As an organization, the Bellevue Schools Foundation has shifted its focus to services for all students impacted by COVID and remote learning—including e-books for elementary students, on-line computer science curriculum, and remote mental health services for middle and high school students experiencing anxiety and depression. We are in uncharted waters. The District and local agencies are strained to cover the large numbers of students now needing to have their basic physical, emotional, and educational needs met. Your unrestricted donation allows for flexibility.

For more information, please contact Lori at 425.456.4199/Lori@bsfdn.org. You can download our Sponsorship Packet here.



Honor Roll Realtors and Lenders

Despite the challenges facing our country, Bellevue and the Eastside continue to thrive. Our strong housing market is driven by a solid economic base and one of the best school districts in the Nation. We will weather the challenges facing our schools the way we always have, by relying on our excellent teachers and our tight-knit community. Our realtors and lenders are a critical part of this equation.

We recognize our Honor Roll Realtors and Lenders frequently and through a variety of media. Examples include:

  • Promotion in our Foundation Focus newsletter that reaches 14,000 Bellevue families

  • Promotion on Facebook, Instagram, and WeChat, if desired

  • 2x/year Seattle Times ad

  • 1x/year Points Living ad

  • HRR sign riders and vertical displays for open houses

  • Invitation to exclusive donor events

  • Spring for Schools recognition on screen and in the program

  • The digital HRR logo

 For more information, please contact Nakisa at 425.456.4075/Nakisa@bsfdn.org. You can download our Sponsorship Packet. 

Monthly Giving for Maximum Impact

Join the Foundation's Monthly Giving Club and help Bellevue students succeed in school and thrive in life.

When you set up a monthly recurring donation, you become an education hero. With your commitment of even a few dollars a month, you join a community of sustaining donors who provide the Foundation with a consistent and reliable source of funding, allowing us to plan ahead and build sustainability.

As a member of Monthly Giving Club, you ensure that our children get the high-quality education they deserve.

On behalf of all the students we serve, thank you for making an ongoing investment in their future. Your sustaining gift provides an extra level of certainty as we expand existing innovative educational programs and develop new ones to support every child.